Angol kéttannyelvű atlasz

Cartographia - Atlasz az angol kéttannyelvű iskolák számára Az angol kéttannyelvű iskolák tanulói számára készült kombinált (földrajz, történelem, angolszász kultúra) atlasz CR-0092
5-12. évfolyam, 2. kiadás (2024. 02. 28.)
Cartographia Kiadó
méret: 200x280 mm
terjedelem: 176 oldal
első kiadás: 2019.08.06.
tanterv: NAT 2012
egyéb tanterv: NAT 2020-hoz is ajánlott
5 980 Ft
4 784 Ft (20% osztálykedvezménnyel)*
* Legalább 15 példány megrendelése esetén 20% kedvezményt tudunk biztosítani 2024.04.03 és 2024.10.15 között.

Ez a kiadvány azért született, hogy az angol két tanítási nyelvű iskolák diákjai ne legyenek hátrányos helyzetben a magyar nyelven tanuló társaikhoz képest, a magyar tantervek követelményeihez igazodó angol nyelvű iskolai atlasz ezzel is segítse általános és középiskolai tanulmányaikat és az érettségi vizsgára való felkészülést. A hiánypótló, angol nyelvű térképekből szerkesztett, „minden egyben” segédeszköz, tartalma jórészt megegyezik a magyar nyelvű iskolai atlaszokkal, ám szerkezete újszerű, és kiegészül néhány új témával és a kifejezetten a két tanítási nyelvű tanulóknak szóló angolszász kultúra fejezettel.

This publication was born to create equal opportunities for students of English-Hungarian bilingual schools with those who study in Hungarian and to help their primary and secondary education as well as their school leaving exams. This school atlas is based on the Hungarian national curriculum and is all in one resource that has long been missed from the bilingual education in Hungary. It is made up of maps in English and its content is almost identical to the Hungarian school atlases but as a new and special feature new topics have been added like the section on Anglo-Saxon culture designed exclusively for bilingual schools.

Map projections • Time zones5
Basics of cartography6
What is the grid for?6
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)7
Types of relied presentation7
Map and linear scale7
Carpathian Basin - Physical Features8
Carpathian Basin - Tectonics10
Cross section along 47°N10
Hungary - Physical Features and Mineral Resources10
Geological profi le Great landscapes12
Plate tectonics12
Hungary - Climate12
Average Temperatures in January12
Average Temperatures in July12
Annual Mean Temperature12
Annual Sunshine Duration12
Precipitation in winter13
Precipitation in summer13
Annual Precipitation13
Hungary - Environmental status13
The quality of or surface water13
Settlements with signifi cant air pollution13
Soil erosion13
The quality of our tapwater13
Waste incinerators13
Flood and water logging protection13
Europe - Physical Features and Mineral Resources14
Annual Mean Temperature15
Annual Precipitation15
Plate Tectonics15
The United Kingdom and Ireland16
Northern Europe18
Eastern Europe and Turkey19
Central Europe20
France and the Benelux22
Iberian Peninsula23
Spanish and Portugese islands in the Atlantic Languages24
The Italian and the Balkan Peninsulas24
Inner city Rome and Vatican City26
Asia - Physical Features and Mineral Resources26
Annual Mean Temperature27
Annual precipitation27
Plate Tectonics27
North Asia28
The Soviet Union in 199029
South Asia30
Israel and Lebanon32
The Persian Gulf32
Africa - Physical Features and Mineral Resources32
Plate Tectonics32
Africa - Thematic maps33
The Suez Canal33
Annual Mean Temperature33
Average Temperatures in January33
Average Temperatures in July33
Annual precipitation33
North and South America - Physical Features and Mineral Resources34
Plate Tectonics34
Annual Mean Temperature35
Annual precipitation35
South Canada and United States of America36
Polar Regions37
North Polar Region (Arctic)38
South Polar Region (Antarctic)38
Australia and Oceania38
Annual Mean Temperature38
Annual precipitation39
Plate Tectonics39
Australia and New Zealand39
Cross-section along the Equator42
The development of earth and life42
Circulation of magma and the crust of the earth43
Types of plate boundaries43
Inner Structure of Earth43
Geological Structure, Earthquakes, Plate Tectonics, Volcanism43
Annual Mean Temperature44
Annual precipitation44
Solar climate zones44
Length of days44
Average Temperatures in January45
Average Temperatures in July45
Precipitation in January45
Precipitation in July45
Natural vegetation zones46
Soil types46
History and civics48
The early history of humanity48
The spread of hominids on the Earth49
The spread of agriculture in Europe49
The beginning of civilisation49
The spread of grain production and livestock breeding50
The spread of writing50
Birth of world religions50
The emergence of world religions (6th century BC - 8th century AD)50
The spread of Christianity in Europe (3rd - 15th centuries)51
Canaan (Palestine) (12th - 9th centuries BC)51
Palestine in the age of Jesus51
The first civilisations51
Ancient East (3rd - 1st millennia BC)52
Egypt (3rd millenium BC - 332 BC)52
States of the Near East (10th century - 605 BC)52
Ancient Greece52
Phoenician and Greek colonization (11th - 6th centuries BC)53
Hellenistic culture54
The Roman Empire54
Italy (6th - 1st centuries BC)54
The rise of the Roman Empire (201 BC - 138 AD)54
The economy of the Roman Empire56
Pannonia in AD 2nd century56
The Great Migrations (3rd - 6th centuries)56
Islam and the Arab world (7th - 13th centuries)56
Europe (8th - 10th centuries)57
Arab, Norman (Viking) and Magyar raids58
Europe about AD 100058
The Migration of the Magyar people and the Hungarian Conquest58
The Carpathian Basin before the Hungarian Conquest (9th century)59
The settling of the Hungarian tribes59
The Migration of the Magyar people and the Hungarian Conquest59
Hungary (10th - 13th centuries)59
Hungary (10th - 11th centuries)60
Ethnic groups in Hungary in the 11th century60
Hungary (12th - 13th centuries)60
Battle of Muhi (11. April 1241)60
Europe (12th - 13th centuries)60
Europe (12th - 13th centuries)60
Romanesque and Gothic arts61
Constantinople (Byzantium)61
The plague epidemic 1347 - 5361
Europe in the 15th century61
Europe (14th - 15th centuries)62
The Renaissance in Europe62
The Renaissance in Italy62
Hungary at the time of Angevinkings and Sigismund62
Hungary (1301 - 1437)62
Buda and Pest in the 15th century63
Kingdoms of Louis I (the Great)63
Ethnic groups in Hungary in the 15th century63
Hungary (1437 - 1526) • The Ottoman Empire63
Hungary (1437 - 1526)63
The battle of Nándorfehérvár (July 4 - 22 1456)64
The peasant’ revolt led by György Dózsa in 151464
The Ottoman Empire (14th - 17th centuries)64
The Age of Discoveries64
Europe in the 16th century64
Changes in Europe in the 16th - 17th centuries65
The Reformation (16th century)66
Counter-Reformation and Catholic Revival (end of the 16th century - mid-17th century)66
Europe in the 17th century66
Hungary in the 16th century66
The Ottoman conquest66
Castle of Eger 155266
The Battle of Mohács (29 August 1526)67
The Reformation (16th century)67
The Counter-Reformation and the Catholic Revival (17th century)67
Hungary in the 17th century67
The Fifteen Years’ War and the Transylvanian campaigns68
The Holy League68
The reconquest of Hungary from the Ottomans68
Hungary in the 18th century68
The Rákóczi War of Independence (1703 - 1711)68
European military alliances during the Rákóczi War of Independence68
Hungary in the 18th century69
Ethnic groups at the beginning of the 18th century69
Immigration and internal migration in the 18th century70
Ethnic groups at the end of the 18th century70
Density of population at the end of the 18 century70
Europe and the World at the end of the 18th century70
Europe at the end of the 18th century71
The World Trade System71
Europe at the turn of the 18th - 19th centuries71
Europe at the time of the Napoleonic Wars (1796 - 1815)72
Europe under the Holy Alliance72
Hungary in the first half of the 19th century72
The Hungarian Reform Era (first half of the 19th century)72
Main market centres73
Foreign trade of Hungary73
Diet of 1832 - 1836 in Pozsony73
Revolution and War of Independence of 1848 - 184973
Spring - Autumn 184873
December 1848 - February 184973
March - June 184974
Summer 184974
Pest-Buda 15 March 184874
The Industrial Revolution74
The European economy about 175075
The Industrial Revolution in Europe about 187075
The rise of nation states in Europe75
The unifi cation of Germany and Italy76
The formation of the Balkan states76
Hungary about 191076
Ethnic groups in Hungary 191077
Proportion of religious groups 191077
Growth of the Hungarian railway system (1867 - 1913)77
Hungary about 191077
Hungarian Economy78
Budapest and its surroundings78
The culture of Hungary78
Austro-Hungarian Empire (1867 - 1918)78
Austro-Hungarian Empire 191079
Ethnic groups of Austria-Hungary 191079
Europe and the World 191479
Colonial empires80
The First World War • The Soviet Union80
The First World War in Europe (1914 - 1918)81
Russia and the Soviet Union (1917 - 1939)81
Europe after the First World War81
Europe between the world wars82
Parliamentarism in Europe (1851 - 1914)83
Parliamentarism in Europe (1923)83
Coalitions and political systems in the ’30s83
The expansion of Germany and Japan83
Central Europe between the world wars (1933 - 1939)84
China and Japan in the first part of the 20th century84
Hungary after the First World War84
Hungary (1918 - 1919)85
Aftermath of the Treaty of Trianon85
Hungary between the world wars85
Economy and culture (1920 - 1938)86
Administration 194186
The Second World War in Europe86
Europe (1 September 1939 - 18 November 1942)87
Europe (19 November 1942 - 8 May 1945)87
Battle of Stalingrad (19 Nov 1942 - 2 Febr 1943)87
The Second World War in Europe and in the Pacific87
The Holocaust (1938 - 1945)88
The Pacific (1930 - 2 Sept. 1945)88
The Second World War in Hungary88
The Holocaust in Hungary89
Military operations in Hungary (Sept 1944 - Apr 1945)89
Siege of Budapest (24 Dec 1944 - 13 Febr 1945)89
Aftermath of the Second World War in Europe89
Losses (1939 - 1945)90
Migrations (1945 - 1952)90
Border changes (1945 - 1949)90
Europe after the Second World War90
Europe (1945 - 1989)90
Berlin (1945 - 1989)91
Europe (1989 - 2006)91
Yugoslav Wars (1991 - 1998)91
Decolonisation • The Bipolar World91
The coexistence of the two world systems92
Armed conflicts after the Second World War92
The Korean War (1950 - 1953)92
Anti-French Resistance War in Indochina (1945 - 1954)92
Resistance War against America in Indochina (1954 - 1975)92
Arab-Israeli Wars (1948 - 1982)93
Gulf Wars (1980 - 2003)93
Wars in Afghanistan (1979 - 1989, 2001 - present)93
Hungary after the Second World War93
Migrations (1945 - 1956)93
Hungarian Revolution and Independent War of 195694
Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence of 1956 in Budapest94
Economy (1945 - 1989)94
The first free parliamentary elections in Hungary 199094
The Hungarian election system94
The construction of the Hungarian constitutional state95
Decision making in the European Union96
European parliamentary elections 201496
Social studies96
Administrative regions in Hungary96
Natural increase (1881 - 2010)96
Change of the age structure of the pollution in % (1990 - 2010)97
Districts of Budapest98
Age distribution of the population (2010)98
Population density (2008)98
Lake Velence and its surroundings100
Lake Balaton100
Northern Hills and N.G.Plains100
Lake Tisza and its surroundings102
Southern Great Plains102
Nature protection of Hungary • The tourist areas of Hungary, tourist regions and world heritage sites103
Budapest and its surroundings104
Settlement types in Hungary105
Agriculture in Hungary106
Land use106
Soil Types106
Wine regions of Hungary107
Soil quality in Hungary107
Breadcrop growing107
Commercial crop growing108
Vegetable and fruit growing108
Futter growing and animal husbandry108
Hungary’s economy108
Location and mining of energy mineral resources108
The base network of the electric system108
Foreign Direct Investment110
Actual increase and decrease110
Employment, regional development inequalities110
Nationalities and Hungarian Ethnographic regions in the Carpathian Basin110
Nationalities of the Carpathian Basin111
Hungarian Ethnographic regions of the Carpathian Basin111
Nationalities in Hungary111
Nationalities in Hungary113
Gipsies in Hungary113
Europe - Political113
Population Density114
The European Union114
Regional development inequalities GDP per capita (2014)114
Change in the GDP per capita (2008 - 2014)114
Labour productivity (2014)114
Unemployment rate in percentage (2015)115
Total population change rate (2015)115
Net migration rate (2015)116
Rate of population with higher degrees (2016)116
Life expectancy at birth (2015)116
Immigration at the end of the 20th century116
Immigrants in Europe 1990 - 2010117
Asia - Political118
Population Density120
Africa - Political120
Population Density121
Transatlantic slave trade121
North and South America - Political122
Partition of the Americas125
Population Density125
Earth - States125
Earth - Population126
Language families / Languages125
Ethnicities of humanity128
Population density128
American and Asian megalopolis128
Great Lakes megalopolis128
Northeast megalopolis128
North California megalopolis128
South California megalopolis128
Brazilian megalopolis128
Japanese megalopolis (Tokaido)128
The Bohai Gulf surroundings129
The Yangtze Delta129
The Ganges Delta129
The Pearl River Delta129
Population explosion (1950 - 2010)129
Slavery today130
Human trafficking and child labor today131
Inequalities in economic development (2012)132
Earth - Pollution (1945 - 2010)133
Earth - Globalization134
Central regions, multinational corporations136
The presence of clothing company Inditex in the wold136
VW-Betriebe in der Welt136
Earth - International organizations136
The UNO137
Economic integration in 2007137
International NGOs137
Earth - Religions of the world138
Anglo-saxon culture140
Britain before the Roman conquest140
Roman rule in Britain141
The settlement of the Anglo-Saxons and the Scots in Britain (5th - 8th century)142
Christianity in the Anglo-Saxon period142
The Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for England in the 9th - 11th centuries143
Empire of Cnut the Great143
England from the Norman conquest to the Hundred Years’ War144
The possessions of kings of England144
Ecclesiastical reform of Henry VIII in England145
England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I146
From the English Civil War to the Glorious Revolution147
The system of the British parliamentary monarchy148
The formation of the United States of America148
Colonization of North America until 1754148
Colonization of North America until 1763148
Colonization of North America until 1783148
The American War of Independence (1775 - 1783)149
The electoral system of the US149
The political system of the US150
The development of US territory (1783 - 1860)150
The formation of the federal states150
Slavery and civil war in the United States150
Slavery in the US 1821151
Slavery in the US 1854151
The American Civil War (1861 - 1865)151
Economy of the US in the 19th century151
The economy before 1860152
The economy after 1860152
England before the Industrial Revolution (mid-18th century)152
Population density153
England after the Industrial Revolution (mid-19th century)153
Population density154
The world and the British Empire before the First World War154
South Africa at the time of the Boer War156
Indian Empire156
The world between the world wars156
The British Commonwealth of Nations158
The League of Nations (1920 - 1939)158
The United Kingdom’s place in the world after 1945158
History of English160
Countries where English is a majority native or official language160
Sights on the British Isles160
Sights in London161
Culture of the United Kingdom I162
Theatre of Shakespeare (English Renaissance theatre)164
Sights in the United States and Canada164
Sights in Australia and New Zealand165
Culture of the US and Canada166
Culture of Australia and New Zealand168